UPDATED Quarterly Speaker Meeting April 10, 2021
6-7:30pm – Online
The April 2021 ACA Speaker Meeting will include: A panel of two (2) Speakers; hear their powerful and rejuvenating recovery stories through working the ACA 12-steps and ACA Sponsorship.
ACA Speaker meetings are suitable for both new and current ACA members who are seeking emotional sobriety as well as those from other 12-Step Programs.
Join Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 116 286 465
Passcode: 103012
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Meeting ID: 116 286 465
Passcode: 103012
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdSOjR8A0W
Download the flyer for the meeting here.
This spring Quarterly Speaker Meeting is sponsored by Greater East Bay ACA Intergroup (GEBACA).