
Group Voice

ACA Intergroup Reps and Alternate Intergroup Reps (IGR): The GEBACA Intergroup is comprised of 1-2 IGR’s from each ACA meeting. IGR’s attend GEBACA monthly meetings to communicate information & activity announcements from the Intergroup to his or her meeting & provides the Intergroups with concerns & questions from their local meeting. The IGR reports back to their local meeting.  IGR’s carry any WSO proposals to their respective groups & records group conscience for use at the ABC.

Service Positions & Mission Statement

To serve the members and meetings of the San Francisco Greater East Bay Area under the guidelines of the Twelve Steps, The Twelve Traditions, and the Twelve Concepts, this Intergroup shall:

  1. Help coordinate communication among members and groups
  2. Establish and support Public Information.
  3. Carry the message to Hospitals and Institution meetings.
  4. Obtain and distribute Conference approved literature to member groups at the lowest possible cost, and,

In the interests of fellowship, unity and growth in recovery, organize and hold ACA activities, workshop and events.

Chair Person

Recovery Two Years. One-year term. Conducts monthly Intergroup Meetings. Responsible to find Chair replacement, if unable to attend Intergroup monthly meeting. Prepares the monthly agenda and distributes to the Board/Intergroup Reps 10 days before the monthly meeting. Posts the monthly agenda in Box and on GEBACA website 10 days before the meeting.. Presents Intergroup issues to WSO, Participates in the monthly WSO Business Meeting. Coordinates and leads Intergroup Events. Encourages fellow travelers to get involved in ACA service work. Attends half the home group meetings within the Intergroup, splitting schedule with Vice Chairperson.

Vice Chair

Recovery Two Years. One-year term. Attends monthly Intergroup business meetings in person or via telephone. Assists Chairperson as needed in performing Chairperson Duties. Fills in for Chairperson when Chairperson is not available. Assumes the role of Chairperson at the expiration of Vice Chairperson’s term. Attends half the home group meetings with the Intergroup, splitting schedule with Chairperson. Assists with the coordination of Intergroup Events – Quarterly Speaker Meeting. Supports Intergroup activity leads such as Literature and Events Officers. Participates in the monthly Region Business Meeting.

Contact us for more information.


Recovery one year. One-year term. Attends monthly Intergroup business meetings in person or via telephone. Provides a written monthly report showing money collection, deposits and all expenses. Prepares a written yearly budget with the Chairperson in September for October Business Meeting. Provides a written year end report in January for the previous calendar year. Posts the monthly Treasurer Report on Box and the GEBACA website within one week of monthly meeting. Maintains a calendar of pending expenses including rent, maintenance fees such as website, Quick Book. Insures proper State and Federal tax filings are posted. Responsible to find someone to discuss monthly report if unable to attend Intergroup monthly meeting


Attends monthly Intergroup business meetings in person or via telephone. Responsible for writing the Intergroup monthly meeting minutes including motions, actions, decisions and the responsible person(s). Distributes the Intergroup monthly meeting minutes to the Board and Intergroup Reps within 7 days of meeting. Posts the Intergroup monthly minutes on Box and the GEBACA website within one week of the monthly meeting or delegates to website master. Responsible to find Secretary replacement, if unable to attend an Intergroup monthly meeting.

Literature & Assistant Literature

Recovery one year.  One-year Term. Attends monthly Intergroup business meetings in person or via telephone. Purchase and maintain literature inventory. Coordinates and distributes literature to home groups. Provides a written monthly Literature Report including inventory, sales and purchases. Provides a written year end report in January for the previous calendar year. Posts monthly Literature Report to Box and the GEBACA website or delegates to the website master. Responsible to find someone to discuss monthly report if unable to attend Intergroup monthly meeting.


Recovery one year.  One-year Term. Attends monthly Intergroup business meetings in person or via telephone. Maintain GEBACA Intergroup contact list. Distributes updated GEBACA Intergroup contact list to the Intergroup Board and Intergroup Reps/Alternates. Maintain GEBACA website mailing list. Issues electronic communication to members such as events planning, elections and meeting updates as requested by the Board. Updates website content. Coordinates and prepares quarterly website newsletter. Safeguards the electronic anonymity of all members in keeping with Traditions 11 and 12.

Contact us for more information.


Recovery one year.  One-year Term. Attends monthly Intergroup business meetings in person or via telephone. Provides monthly maintenance and content updates to the GEBACA website as requested by the Board. Provides monthly reporting/feedback to the functionality and usage of the website. Guides the Board on improvement to the GEBACA website. Assures Intergroup monthly documents are posted on the website within 10 days.

Hospitals & Institutions (H&I)

Recovery one year.  One-year Term. Attends monthly Intergroup business meetings in person or via telephone. Maintains a list of H&I volunteers. Coordinates ACA fellow travelers to take literature and meetings into hospitals, jails, and institutions. Maintain a list of facilities, facility contacts and admission requirements. Coordinates literature/pamphlet material provided to hospitals, jails and institutions.

Contact Us for more information

Events Coordinator

Recovery one year.  One-year Term. Attends monthly Intergroup business meetings in person or via telephone. Gathers suggestions for GEBACA events. Proposes and obtains Board’s consent for GEBACA events. Coordinates the Quarterly Speaker Meeting. Establishes and maintains event budget including arranging site for event, finding and organizing volunteers, donation of food and prizes for events. Requests necessary funds for events from the Treasurer. Creates, prints and distributes flyers to Intergroup Reps. Provides event information and flyer to Website Officer for posting. Liaison with other 12 Step meetings for promoting events. Maintains a list of activities volunteers.

Young People & Assistant Young People Liaison

Recovery one year.  One-year Term. Attends monthly Intergroup business meetings in person or via telephone. Researches potential for a GEBACA Young People’s meeting (ages 18-26 years old). Interfaces and interacts with Young People in GEBACA area, identifying best ways to communicate and providing events of interest.

Meetings – Intergroup & Alternate Intergroup Rep

Suggested one-year of recovery. Meetings determine length of service. Attends monthly Intergroup business meetings in person or via telephone. Must be active members of their home group. Communicates information and activity announcements from Intergroup and WSO to their home group. Shares concerns and questions from their home group at the GEBACA business meeting and reports back to the home group information. Volunteers to serve on GEBACA committees.