July 20, 2024 from 10am-12pm PT.
Hosted by the Diversity & Inclusion Committee of the Greater East Bay ACA Intergroup

Speakers: Oroki and Rene’ S
“Reclaiming Our Cultural Identity,” an online workshop, will explore cultural aspects of our recovery and healing. How our backgrounds, heritages and familial cultural practices might encourage people-pleasing, codependency, and an inability to say no. How culture might also provide a place of strength and nurturance in our recovery.
This workshop features two speakers, Oroki and Rene’ S, who will each speak for 25 minutes, followed by meditation, writing and sharing. You might want to have paper and pens/pencils/crayons/markers ready for the writing portion
All are welcome!
Zoom ID: 873 8101 7347 / Passcode:768947
Zoom Link
For more information, email [email protected] or go to
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